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The mission of Instructional Technology is to create an educational environment in school that is strengthened and supported by information and communications technology. The dual goals of the elementary computer program are to develop  student technology skills while at the same time integrating computers into the PreK-5 classroom curriculum. These goals are not mutually exclusive. PS 36 philosophy is to view technology as educational tools to be used creatively, responsibly, and collaboratively for teaching and learning in order to solve problems and to access, analyze, present, and communicate information.

21st Century

Computer State Tests on the Horizon?

Pencils down as state K-12 testing enters the computer age!!

For the first time in the history of standardized testing in California, students didn’t pick up a No. 2 pencil to show what they know. They hit the power button. Many districts across the state, including San Francisco, kicked off computerized Common Core exams last week, and while relatively few schools opted to administer the exams the first week in a six-week testing window, no major problems were reported

Apps and More Apps

The 10 Best Apps for Your New Windows Computer

Time Magazine Article Jan 2015

Jan. 2, 2015

These programs get the most from Windows’ revamped operating system Microsoft’s Windows 8 was a major shift for PC devotees, but love it or loathe it, the new look operating system is here to stay. And with that all behind us, the road ahead is all from kicking back with a crossword to leaning in to an engrossing, international webcam chat — and whether they’re used with the touchscreen or the touchpad — these ten apps help Windows users get the most out of their new PCs.

Articles of Interest

Computer State Tests on the Horizon?

Pencils down as state K-12 testing enters the computer age!!

For the first time in the history of standardized testing in California, students didn’t pick up a No. 2 pencil to show what they know. They hit the power button. Many districts across the state, including San Francisco, kicked off computerized Common Core exams last week, and while relatively few schools opted to administer the exams the first week in a six-week testing window, no major problems were reported.

Online Learning

Online learning has become revolutionary around the world.  In the United States alone, it is estimated that as many as 1 million children from K-12 are participating in some form of online learning.  Learning through technology allows supplemental instruction or blended learning programs. Many of the online learning programs disguise options through games which are aligned to common core standards. Students are able to see where they are making mistakes in their work and are able to watch videos or slide presentations to support additional learning. Read more


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